10 Important Things To Know Before Clubbing in Vegas
Sin City is the party capitol of the world. The Las Vegas Strip is filled with dozens upon dozens of nightclubs to explore and enjoy (in addition to hundreds of other things to do). I’ve been going to Vegas every summer since I turned 21 and each time just gets better and better.
If you’ve never been to Vegas or are looking for a refresher, read my tips below for things you should know before going clubbing in Vegas.

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1. Plan In Advance
It’s fun to be spontaneous, but in Vegas its best to plan ahead. Begin looking up the DJ lineups about 2 months before your trip.
You can check out the lineups for all clubs at sites like EDM Calendar. This will help you prioritize which DJs you want to see and on what days.
Otherwise, you might end up going to the same club three days in a row because you didn’t plan ahead and don’t want to miss the performer on Sat/Sun.
2. Ladies, don’t pay to get into a club
Rookie mistake. There is no need to pay to get into a Vegas club.
Instead, get on a promoters list. One option is to virtually connect with a promoter (I typically go to the Insta account for the Vegas club I’m interested in and then click on tagged images – promoters will pop up everywhere).
You can also meet promoters on the Strip during the day. They’ll approach you nonstop and can seem annoying but it’s worth a stop to listen to what they have to say. Promoters get paid by the number of people on their list that enter the club, so you’re really doing them a favor.
To get on a promoters list, you’ll need to provide him/her with your name, phone number, and number of boys vs girls in the group.
There are a few exceptions to this rule when you will have to pay to get into a club:
- Large Groups of Boys (especially when no girls are with them) will almost always have to pay
- Major Holidays (NYE, Memorial Day/Labor Day) – crowds are so high that getting into a club for free is pretty challenging
3. Check the Dress Code Ahead of Time
Know the dress code before you arrive. Don’t assume that because you’re in Vegas, anything goes. The dress code for men in particular can be fairly strict at some places. Examples of things that are not allowed include: jeans, flip flops, hats, etc.

4. Club Hopping Is Difficult
I won’t say club hopping is impossible, because it’s not, but it is definitely more challenging than you would think. Yes, all of the clubs are on the same street. But these hotels are large and the blocks between each hotel can be quite a distance away (especially when you’re wearing heels).
Not only are the clubs further away than you think, the lines for the clubs can be insanely long (over an hour). By the time you wait in line at another club, you’ll have lost your entire buzz and be ready to just go home.
If you have your heart set on club hopping to see as much of the Strip as possible, I suggest limiting it to two places a night: one “pre-game” spot (maybe in your hotel or nearby) and the final party spot.
5. Parties don’t “start” until midnight
Clubs are definitely open before midnight, but the party really doesn’t start until the clock strikes 12am. If you have a big name DJ that you are waiting to see, don’t expect to see them on stage until after midnight.
In my opinion, it’s best not to wait until then to get to the club though. Lines will get long, really long. I typically leave my hotel room around 10:30PM to make sure I have to Uber, go through security, get a drink, and find my spot before the fun starts.

6. Don’t Skip the Day Parties
If you’re in Vegas during the summer months (April-Sept) you definitely need to experience a Vegas Pool Party! Honestly, dayclubs are far more fun in my opinion than nightclubs. There is something so fun about being in the sun, drinking, dancing to your favorite DJ and enjoying life. It’s also a nice change of scenery from going to nightclubs.
Related Post: Best Vegas Dayclubs
7. Wear Comfortable Shoes
I say that even though I know there is really no such thing as comfortable heels after being on your feet dancing for 5+ hours. Trust me, I’ve packed what I thought were the perfect comfy heel only to find out 3 hours in to the club my feet are in so much pain I can’t feel them anymore.
Also, pack more than one pair of heels. Chances are you might get blisters or irritation from the heels so it’s best to have different styles to mix it up and give those spots a break.
8. Need a Bandaid or a Mint?
Every Vegas club has a bathroom attendant that is fully stocked with most anything you could need… bandaids, mints, soap, bobby pins, hair ties, etc. Be sure to tip them.
They even have flip flops for sale if you didn’t pay attention to tip number 7 listed above.
9. Don’t Pregame Too Hard
The bouncers and security can decide not to let you in if you look hammered before getting there. Don’t be surprised if this happens when you pregame way too hard before a club. It might be Vegas, but there are still rules and standards.
10. Be Aware of Your Surroundings
It’s the oldest tip in the book – be aware of your surroundings. This includes your purse, your drink, your friends, everything! Don’t let your guard down because you’re having a carefree fun night out. Instead, be aware of what is going on around you.
If you’re out with a group of friends, it doesn’t hurt to designate someone as the light-drinker for the evening. That person doesn’t need to stay sober, but they just drink at a slower pace, hold on to the hotel room key, and keep an eye out on their friends.

There you have it – the top ten things you need to know before you go clubbing in Vegas. Save this post for later on Pinterest.
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